Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Victim Witness Assistance Program of the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office

The Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office handles about 50,000 criminal cases each year under the purview of the Boston Municipal Court, Chelsea District Court, and the Boston Juvenile Court. They are the largest, busiest district attorney’s office in New England. Within this Dudley Square office is the Victim Witness Assistance Program, staffed by three victim witness advocates who each have a caseload of 300 victim-related crimes and an equal number of protective orders for victims of domestic violence. They also see a large number of daily walk-in clients not involved with cases in the court system but seeking assistance. The staff provides services to crime victims and their family members including crisis intervention, assistance for protection, explanation of the court process, and referrals for medical, legal, social service, and financial assistance. 

Until this year there was not a waiting area for the Victim Witness Assistance Program. Now there is a dedicated space and donations of original artwork to offer a sanctuary for the thousands of crime victims visiting this busy and difficult place to be.

John Borchard, White Slit Window in Venice, Photograph, 2003, 16"x12"

Irma Cerese, Rock Garden #2, Acrylic, 2000, 16"x16"

Deborah Clearman, Oregon Coast, Silkscreen, 1980, 23"x18"

Deborah Clearman, Mountain Pass-After Hokusai, Silkscreen, 1982, 10"x15"

Susan C. Collings, Playing in the Street, North End, Boston, Digital photograph, 2013, 10"x8"

Aileen O. Erickson, Open Window, Charcoal, watercolor, gouache on paper, 2006, 26"x20"

Edward Glannon, Snow on the Mountain, Watercolor, 1984, 22"x29" 
Donated by: Thomas Glannon & Patrica Wiley

Frances K. Grossman, Fall, Oil on canvas, 2010, 24"x30"

Susan Heideman, Black Bottom/Black Bottom Blush, Oil on canvas, 1986, 42"x75"

Bette Frank Leahy, Blue House, Oil on canvas, 2002, 18"x20"

Caren Loebel-Fried, Apapane, Hand-pulled block print, 2014, 8"x10"

Cynthia Maurice, Glads - Red (triptych), Gouache, 37"x19"

Henry Olds, Spy Pond Sunset, Photomontage print on canvas, 2013, 12"x21"

Martha Jane Bradford, Summer Evening, 20 Color Silkscreen, 1985, 22"x30"
Donated by: Joyce Paulson

Tatiana Roulin, Adams Farm in Bloom, Pastel, 2013, 11"x14"

Janet Shapero, From Scratch, Rete-Chrome, 22"x22"

Judith Silverstein, Blurry Rainbow, Acrylic, 18"x24"

Maria Termini, Big Rainbow Tree, Silkscreen, 29"x23"

Stephanie Warburg, Glacier Bay, Oil, 2011, 16"x20"

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