Friday, May 20, 2016

Homeowner's Rehab- Auburn Court

Homeowner’s Rehab, Inc. (HRI) is a non-profit founded in 1972, whose main goal is the development of affordable housing in the city of Cambridge.  HRI has shifted its focus from homeownership to include rental properties as a means to create new opportunities for households that cannot compete in Cambridge’s housing market. HRI’s continuing mission is to provide safe, affordable, decent, and sustainable housing.

Auburn Court is a development consisting of 137 units of mixed-income housing in Cambridgeport. The development was the culmination of over 15 years of community activism to develop affordable housing at University Park. HRI developed Auburn Court in two phases and created a mixed-income development with low, moderate, and market-rate families. All donated artwork now hangs in the community rooms, main lobbies, and on each floor’s elevator lobby.

To learn more about HRI, please visit

John BorchardFeed Me!Photograph200826"x48"
John BorchardRust Doors of Long Ago in VenicePhotograph200316"x12" 

John Borchard, Iridescent Paint Meets Chain on a Venetian Doorway, Photograph, 2003, 16"x12"

Sophie Valerie Breton, Calillies, Oil on canvas, 2001, 24"x12"

Sophie Valerie Breton, Lavender Pansies, Oil on canvas, 2000, 24"x12"

Irma Cerese, Gladioli and Dahlias, Acrylic, 2002, 10"x10"

Deborah Clearman, Backpackers on Mt. Washington, Silkscreen, 1978, 16"x22"

Betsy Chadwick, Fir Tree on Second Creek, Oil on canvas, 1992, 12"x9"

Donated by: Deborah Clearman

M.J. Levy Dickson, Untitled, Watercolor, 7"x5"

Phyllis Ewen, Imperium, Collage with wire, 2008, 40"x26"

Frances K. Grossman, Last of a Style, Oil on canvas, 2011, 20"x14"

Frances K. Grossman, Winter, Oil on canvas, 2010, 24"x30"

Suzanne Hodes, Primordial Pond, Oil, sand, gesso on canvas, 2012, 40"x52"

Joan Jacobson-Zamore, Sledding on Main St., Monotype, 2012, 18"x24"

David Kupferman, HE6-12, Acrylic on paper, 40"x26"

David Kupferman, HI5-25, Acrylic on paper, 40''x27''

Florence Lindheim, Mountains in Switzerland, Oil painting, 1976, 25"x31"

Donated by: Jeannie Lindheim

Jeannie Lindheim, Summer’s Magic, Watercolor, 2014, 11"x8"

Jeannie Motherwell, Mars: Sea Worthy, Acrylic and collage on paper, 2004, 12"x14"

Henry Olds, Ocean Foam, Photomontage, 2012, 14"x20"

Eleanor Rubin, Escaping Winter's Cold, Watercolor, 2006, 15"x11"

Mayo Sorgman, MS56 Abstract Still Life, Acrylic on canvas, 40"x30"

Donated by: Bram Sorgman & Dara Mark

Mayo Sorgman, Untitled (abstract), Acrylic on canvas, 20"x23"

Donated by: Bram Sorgman & Dara Mark

Nan Tull, A Green Thought, Encaustic on panel, 2012, 24"x24"

Nan Tull, Sonar, Encaustic on canvas on wood panel, 2011, 24"x24"

Timothy Wilson, Japanese Tea Garden, Photograph, 2011, 17"x14"

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